Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Last Day of Canada Topic

It's weird because we just started the Canada Topic and we are all done? We didn't even have a test on Canada but the upstairs team did. There are 3 floors in the building. So the 3rd floor is only 5th grade the middle floor is also the 2nd is 5th and 4th grade only. And last but not least the bottom floor which I'm on is only 4th grade. I'm happy that we didn't have a test and we got EXTRA RECESS!

Monday, June 14, 2010

George Russell

Today we had a performance by George Russell and his band. It was so cool because his band played Jazz music and blues and all other music. They came to tell the story of the 1970's. It was fun because they asked me what my name was and made a song about me. I felt embarrassed because the whole school started to laugh but other than that it was cool and fun.

Friday, June 11, 2010


THANK GOODNESS ITS FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for the weekend! My friend Elisabeth her birthday is tomorrow. She is turning 10! She brought in HOME MADE cupcakes. They were so gooood! It was vanilla which is my favorite! with vanilla icing. She put food coloring in the vanilla cupcake. I can still taste the cupcake and I'm getting HUNGRY!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

New Topic

Today we watched a movie of Canada. So you I guess you've figured out that Canada is our new topic. Mrs. Allard's class ( which is my class) and Mrs. Brewer's class ( which is another class) are going to work together on this new topic. I like Canada but if you live in the northern part of Canada is really cold. We learned that the Titanic hit the ice berg and sank some where in Canada's islands. That's right Canada does have islands. But instead of states Canada has something called provinces and terriers. The national Anthem is O Canada. Canada seems pretty cool. I'm glad that we are studying Canada.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


TODAY WAS OUR LAST DAY OF E.R.B'S!!!!! I'M SOOO HAPPY. But i wish it was math again because this time it was reading and I HATE reading well i don't hate it but it's just not my favorite thing. But luckily I finished juts in time and I finished just in time for every E.R.B's we've done. I found the math E.R.B easier than the reading because math is my favorite subject in learning . But literally Art and P.E are my favorite subject in the school.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Land Sake Farm

Today we went to Land Sake Farm which is across the street from my school. At Land Sake we learned about the life cycle of a Earth Worm. The life cycle of a plant. And the life cycle of a chicken. It was fun 'cause we did an activity with the earth worms and we got to feed the chicken worms and the chicken started to fight over the worms 'casue they love worms so much. It was really fun and last time to got to use hand held G.P.S.'s.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Silly Bandz and other stuff

Today my principal ( Mr. Lucy) said that he might BAND! Silly Bandz!!!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!! EVERYONE IS SO MAD! Besides that I had a great day. We had E.R.B.'s today. The test is timed. The whole test is 45 minutes long and there are 42 questions. I finished just in time but most of my friends didn't finished. But what i think is the easiest part of the test is that the test is all multiple choice. We worked some more on our books and I did my tittle page and finished. I'm so excited!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Play Day

Today we had a play about the U.S.A. Each class got a signed to a region. Our class was the southeast. In our region we talked about The Sun Belt, Music (the blues) and slavery. I got a signed to the music scene and the slavery scene. It was fun because we also got to sing songs. That's all for my day.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Story Day With Judith Moffatt

Today was a great day because we were working on our stories and Judith Moffatt (which is an illustrator) came. She came to help us make covers for our stories. My story is about A Crazy Horse Ride, when i was 6 and we were in Fall River. It's fun making stories especially in our class in fourth grade!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Awesome Day!!

Today at school we went to Land Sake Farm for science. It was so cool because we got to use hand held GPS's to find an envelope with papers inside and we have to take one of the papers and answer some of the questions on the sheet. It was totally AWESOME!